Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli
Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9
+0989 7876 9865 9

Email Address

Chronic Care Management

Providers utilize the Chronic Care Management program to ensure continuous monthly engagement with patients between regular appointments, ensuring continuity of care & improved health outcomes. This program is delivered through remote interactions conducted by Care Coordinators, either by phone or text message.

Requirements of

Chronic Care Management(CCM)

Patients are eligible for CCM program

  • Icon If they have two or more chronic conditions which are expected to last a minimum of 12 months
  • Icon The doctor must have seen this patient in last 12 months

CCM Remote Interactions Can Include

Monthly Care Plan


Text/Phone Call Communication

Scheduling Appointments 

Prescription Refills


CCM Remote Interactions Can Include:


Monthly Care Plan Review


Telephone Calls


Text Communication


Prescription refills


Chart Reviews


Scheduling Appointments



How does the CCM program work ?

  • The care team develops a personalized care plan, targeting the patient’s unique health needs, goals, and barriers to improve outcomes.
  • A dedicated care manager will call monthly to track progress and address any new health concerns.
  • 24/7 access to a care coordinator is available for the patient.
  • Both the provider and patient receive a copy of the care plan.
pricing plan

Billing Guide




  • Initial 20 minutes CCM time in a month (Care $61.57 One-time coordinator's time spent on care plan review, chart reviews, text and phone communication with the patient
  • One-Time Billable



  • Additional 20 minutes CCM time in a month (Care coordinator's time spent on detailed care plan review, chart reviews, text and phone communication with the patient.
  • Billable upto 2 times.

Interested in Enhancing Your Care Process?

Schedule a personalized demo today!

Enhanced Patient Engagement

Simplify patient interactions with weekly text check-ins, reducing phone calls while ensuring consistent and reliable care that patients value.

Streamline Your Workflow

Simplify care management with automated documentation, smart care plans, and efficient follow-up protocols for enhanced efficiency.

Scalable Chronic Care Management

Grow quickly by enrolling your practices. Our solution ensures your efforts are impactful and sustainable.

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Interested in Enhancing Your Care Process

Schedule a personalized demo today!

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Enhanced Patient Engagement

Simplify patient interactions with weekly text check-ins, reducing phone calls while ensuring consistent and reliable care that patients value.

Streamline Your Workflow

Simplify care management with automated documentation, smart care plans, and efficient follow-up protocols for enhanced efficiency.

Scalable Chronic Care Management

Grow quickly by enrolling your practices. Our solution ensures your efforts are impactful and sustainable.